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IMPORTANCE OF ARABIC FOR MUSLIMSWHY WAS THE QURAN REVEALED IN ARABIC? All holy scriptures were revealed in the language of the people to whom it was revealed. The Holy Quran was revealed in the Arabic language over 1400 years ago. It was the language of the Prophet PBUH and his people, the first Islamic community. WHY DO MUSLIMS NOT TRANSLATE THE QURAN INSTEAD OF LEARNING ARABIC?Translating it is a good idea if we want to understand the teachings of the Quran. We have plenty of translation tools available online, but they are not capable of translating the Quran precisely to retain its meaning. People have also tried to translate the Quran into other languages, but there are always certain tones, phrases, or words that you cannot translate, or else it loses its original meaning. It is better to read the Quran as it was revealed because if we interpret it literally, it won't make much sense to us. The language it speaks is centuries old. The cultural norms today are very different from those of the time of the Prophet, making it important to understand the context and language in which it was revealed.THE PROPHET PBUH ASKED US TO READ QURAN AS IT SHOULD BE READ:Our Prophet PBUH also advised us to recite the Quran, saying: "Verily the one who recites the Quran beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have TWICE that reward." (Sahih Al-Bukhari)We can see that the Prophet PBUH is trying to encourage people to recite the Quran, even if they do not know how to. LEARNING ARABIC BRINGS US CLOSER TO ALLAH SWT AND HIS PROPHET PBUH:Furthermore, Allah SWT ordered us to keep gaining knowledge, so we better understand his attributes and become faithful servants of his. Every Muslim has a duty to recite the Quran. The best way to read it is to understand its meaning and follow its commands, and we can do that best when we learn Arabic. For this reason, there are several online and in-person institutions dedicated to teaching people Arabic. One of the best online Quran teaching schools, TarteeleQuran, offers courses on the Arabic language. WHY IS THE RECITATION OF QURAN IMPORTANT?There are plenty of reasons why recitation of the Quran has been stressed. Quran is read during the five daily prayers and all other types of prayers. If we don't know Arabic, we won't know what we are praying for. In order to be sincere with your prayers, you have to fully understand what you are saying and believe in it. On the other hand, even if we read the translation, it would be done by some mortal beings who best try to interpret Allah's message. If you have sufficient knowledge, you should trust your gut to interpret the Quran with the context in its original form: in Arabic. It is also important to read Quran in Arabic because it provides us safety from evil and illness. To learn how to read Quran properly, you can opt for recitation classes with TarteeleQuran. The administration of TarteeleQuran understands that to retain the essence of the Quran we need to learn the language. Some Muslim scholars have deemed it necessary to learn Arabic to understand Quran. It makes little sense to read a book in a language you do not understand, and that is why you should sign up for an Arabic language course with TarteeleQuran. They also offer free classes for those who want to learn but are unable to pay the fee. Allah ordered us to gain knowledge so we can better understand his power, might, and trust in his plans for us. TarteeleQuran tries to provide you that opportunity.OTHER BENEFITS OF LEARNING ARABICThere are many other reasons to learn Arabic too. People moving to Arab countries for studying or seeking jobs who want to learn the native language have the opportunity to prepare themselves while they are in their home country. All they need to do is sign up at TarteeleQuran and take a trial class. Moreover, the language has a rich culture and history. A lot of it is mainly associated with Islam. After all, it is the language of our Prophet PBUH, and in order to feel truly close to him, we need to understand the Arabic language and culture. TarteeleQuran also offers courses on Sunnah and recitation of the Quran. Learning Arabic could open the doors of Islamic history to you.OTHER POINTERS TO KEEP IN MIND WHEN LEARNING ARABIC TO RECITE QURAN:The Holy Quran was revealed in seven different dialects of Arabic. There is a Hadith backing up this claim saying, ``This Qur'an has been revealed in seven different ways." (Sahih al-Bukhari). This and some other Ahadith signify those different dialects existed even in the time of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. We need to understand that the Quran has been compiled in the Quraish dialect. TarteeleQuran also offers a course on the different dialects in which we read the Quran. They are called the 10 Qirats.It is probably hard to find the time or locate Arabic teaching academies in countries like Australia, the USA, and the UK. At TarteeleQuran, you can learn Quran with native teachers from Egypt and Jordon online. That way, you do not have to travel or waste time looking for a professional in your area. Moreover, you will have a Muslim culture and person to feel at home. Learning Arabic would not only open doors to a new culture and literature, but it would also help you understand your religion better. Also, Allah SWT would reward you immensely for putting in the effort so you can read and follow his Book and Messenger closely. Learning Arabic is very helpful as you do not have to rely on someone else to give you rulings for every little thing. If you know Arabic and recite the Quran, you will have it engraved in your heart, and it will guide you to the right choice. You can learn to think for yourself and apply the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.

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